Dnext Web

Dnext Web

Dnext Web

What is Dnext Web?

Dnext web is the first dedicate EU website builder that allows you to easly setup and add content faster than ever.
It's better than other "generic website builders" because it is crafted around EU funded project needs.

What is Dnext Web?

EU project websites

The content manager and the layout of the website builder is already set to be compliant with EU Projects typical required information and pages structure.
You just need to fill the CMS with EU project information and images and Dnext Web will display the content online.

If you want additions or customizations to what the CMS already offers, ask the Domina Next team to work out together the best solution!

EU project websites

COREu project website

Visit the website of the Coreu EU project to see an example of a website created with our CMS.

COREu project website

Let’s create the website for the EU project together!

If you want to rely on the Domina Next experts team for the creation of the EU project website, contact us!

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